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Beer Alps Competition

Beer Alps Competition

This year, the Beer Alps Competition will take place for the first time, an exciting brewing competition that brings together both hobby brewers and commercial breweries.

At the Beer Alps Competition, all submitted beers will be tasted blind by expert judges and assessed using an evaluation sheet developed by us.
Your beers will compete in several rounds against other beers in the same BJCP category until the best beer in each category is found.

In the days following the announcement of the winners on October 4, 2024, all participants will receive a detailed evaluation of the points they have achieved and any off-flavors of their beers. This will enable participants to better understand the ranking of their beers and identify any errors during the brewing process so that they can do even better next year.

You can find all information about registration at and in our conditions of participation.

to registration

Frequently asked questions

Who can take part in the Beer Alps Competition?

Participation is possible in the categories “Hobby brewer/home brewer” and “Commercial breweries”.


Who is eligible to take part in the “Hobby brewer/home brewer” category?

All hobby brewers residing in the Alpine region who do not distribute the submitted beers commercially.


Who is eligible to participate in the “Commercial Breweries” category?

All breweries that produce the submitted beer in the Alpine region. The beers must be commercially available for at least three months before or after the Beer Alps Competition.


How and until when can I register?

Beers must be registered for the relevant category online at by September 16, 2024 and prior to entry.


How much is the registration fee and how can it be paid?

We differentiate between the fees depending on the participant.

"Hobby brewer/home brewer":

“Commercial Breweries”:

The registration fee must be transferred to the specified account by September 20, 2024 or paid in cash when the beers are handed in on September 27, 2024. In case of non-payment, the beers will be disqualified.


Can the participation fee be refunded after registration?

After registration of the beers and payment of the participation fee, a refund is not possible in the event of non-participation.


How are the beers judged?

The beers will be tasted according to the classification criteria of the BJCP Guidelines 2021 and evaluated using an evaluation sheet. In addition, the unofficial beer style X10 - Austrian Märzen is permitted.


What quantities and packaging are permitted for submission?

Hobby brewers: 3 to 4 liters in at least 6 containers.
Commercial breweries: 5 to 10 liters in at least 6 containers.
Submission in bottles or cans; kegs and party kegs are not permitted.


How can the beers be submitted?

Beers can be sent by post to the following address:

Beer Alps Competition - Matthias Röck 
Bahnhofstraße 7/3
6175 Kematen in Tirol, Austria

Alternatively, beers can be handed in personally at the following address on September 27, 2024 from 12:00 to 20:00:

Tiroler Bier Halle
Egger-Lienz-Straße 3a
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Beers sent in by post must arrive by September 26, 2024 at the latest.


Where can I find the start number of my beers?

The start number can be found under the menu item “Entries”.

Where can I find the amount to be paid and the bank details for the transfer?

The amount and bank account can be found under the menu item “Pay Entry Fees”.

to registration